About ITM

Irish Thoroughbred Marketing (ITM) promotes Ireland as the leading source for the production and sale of quality thoroughbreds worldwide, and as a premier country in which to own, breed and buy thoroughbreds.

Established in 1991, Irish Thoroughbred Marketing is a not-for-profit, non-trading, semi-state organisation, with the strength and integrity of Irish Government support, and the backing of the Irish bloodstock industry, assuring absolute integrity and impartiality.  

ITM is a subsidiary of Horse Racing Ireland (HRI), the organisation responsible for the administration of horse racing in Ireland. ITM is the first point of contact for any overseas person seeking information on any aspect of the Irish bloodstock industry, including:

  • Breeding: stallions, farms, pedigrees
  • Buying: Sales, agents, transport, insurance, buying incentives
  • Racing: racecourses, fixtures, ownership, trainers, Point-to-Point
  • Investing: investment opportunities, property
  • Learning: equine education courses in Ireland
  • Visiting Ireland: itineraries, visas, hotels, transport
  • Information: success, statistics, ratings, history

ITM continually promotes the success and appeal of the Irish horse racing industry through international sponsorships, client relations, advertising, digital marketing, buying incentives, and many other activities.

Like to learn more? Get in touch and we will be happy to assist.

Get In Touch

To find out more please call or email us and we will be happy to help.

Call: +353 (0) 45443060 Email: [email protected]